Music used in worship, particularly during the Liturgy of the Word, helps to articulate a heartfelt response to the word of God. It unifies the assembly, making the words of Scripture memorable and giving a joyful feeling to the celebration. This is especially true for celebrations with children.
This wonderful resource, recommended for ages six to eleven, offers more than 130 psalm responses and Gospel acclamations for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time and various major feasts throughout the year.
Christopher Walker uses a variety of musical styles to reflect the moodyes of the readings for each Sunday: call and response, rounds, responses with verses, songs that include clapping or finger-snaps and more. Although the songs are written to be sung unaccompanied, feel free to add color and support the singing with the optional accompaniment parts available in the songbook.
"Once the children hear the word, share the word and sing the word of God, they will never forget it; and with God's help, it will become a permanent part of their lives." —Christopher Walker